Pigeons of Excellence ~ Leading the Way
Pigeons of Excellence
Leading the Way


Amino Build 250g


6 in stock (can be backordered)

SKU: Amino-Build-250g Categories:, ,

Product Description


For a fast and maximal absorption of amino acids!

Amino Build is a very effective product for racing pigeons that contains
a concentrate of amino acids. It is ready to use, works fast and
is easy to digest. 

Amino Build delivers the necessary energy, contributes to a faster
absorption of amino acids and also contains vitamin B, which is
critical in the maximal absorption of the amino acids. It
is composed of all essential and many non-essential amino acids coming
from high-quality proteins, BCAAs (L-leucine, L-isoleucine and L-valine)
and carbohydrates from fructose. 

In this way, Amino Build not only ensures an increased muscle
strength and more energy but also faster recovery after
training or racing.

Instructions for use:

Racing season: 1 to
3 times per week

Breeding &
moulting season: 2 to 3 times per week 


Mix 1 to 2 level
measures of Amino Build with 1 kg of feed

Do not exceed the
stated recommended daily dose. Complementary nutrition should not be used as a
substitute for a varied diet.


Nutrition: Collagen, Fructose

components and qualities: 
crude protein: 78%, free fat: 0,2%, dietary fat: 0,1%, crude ashes:
0,39%, natrium: 0,14%, lysine: 2,66%, methionine: 0,14% 

All “Pigeon
Health & Performance” products are freely available on the market and
approved by a recognized European institution.



Additional information

Weight 320.00000000 g
Dimensions 8.0 × 8.0 × 12.5 cm

Vendor Information